Become a Social Security Expert and Fill Your Calendar with Qualified Buyers!


  • Training Materials
  • Seminar Presentations
  • Expert Social Security Resources
  • Seminar Handouts
  • Step-by-Step Seminar Guide
  • Dedicated Seminar Success Assistant
  • Benefit Calculator Software


  • Educate potential clients
  • Retain existing clients
  • Fill your calendar with qualified prospects
  • Become an essential resource to your clients
  • Build trust
  • Earn new referrals
  • Differentiate your services

Social Security Navigator

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Become a Social Security expert and fill your calendar with qualified buyers using our seminar program! A majority of older Americans do not receive professional advice about this crucial aspect of retirement planning, even if they are working with a financial advisor. Our seminar program includes training materials, seminar presentations, expert Social Security resources, seminar handouts, a step-by-step seminar guide, a dedicated seminar success assistant, and benefit calculator software.