Are you looking to meet with qualified individuals
Do you want appointments instead of leads?

A PERA Appointment is an exclusive, virtual, pre-scheduled, 403b, 457, IRA and Life Insurance appointment with a public employee seeking a pension and retirement review. Note: Our definition of “exclusive” is that we make every attempt to ensure that only one agent receives the contact information for the client. Additionally, prior to Covid, PERA created only In-Person appointments and then switched to Virtual appointments due to Covid. We are currently starting to roll out In-Person again. But as of today, the majority of our appointments are still virtual.
- No start-up fees
- No subscriptions
- You’ll only be billed on a pay-as-you-go basis
- We’ll charge your credit card on file on the day of the appointment
Just $59/appointment!
PERA Signup:
In the referred by box put “IAMS”. For questions you can email John Liberatore at john@peraappointments.com, call us at 702.755.0094 or schedule an appointment at: https://calendly.com/pera_appointments

PERA Registration Information:
PERA Signup:
Visit: agent.publicemployeeretirementassistance.com
Google Chrome is the best browser to use. NO iPad, Safari or Firefox.
In the referred by box put “IAMS”. For questions you can email John Liberatore at john@peraappointments.com, call us at 702.755.0094 or schedule an appointment at: https://calendly.com/pera_appointments
There are no setup costs or subscriptions involved. You’ll only be billed on a pay-as-you-go basis. For appointments, we’ll charge your credit card on file on the day of the appointment.
For further details regarding this compelling marketing initiative or any other exciting programs,
please reach out to your dedicated Sales Director at 800.255.5055.