VIDEO: Strategic Lead Partners

At IAMS, Inc., we can connect you with a number of lead vendors and programs. Our relationship with these companies has generated countless qualified life and annuity leads for our agents. While we work with several different lead vendor programs, the video below will cover three of our primary partners. Financialize Datalot AdvisorWorld Because each…

digital marketing with IAMS

VIDEO: Digital Marketing with IAMS

The reality of today’s environment is that no business can survive without a solid digital marketing strategy. This is especially true when working remotely. Doing business online requires the strategic use of social media, email, video, and website content. This multi-pronged approach is proven to not only boost consumer engagement but is also effective where…

Piggy bank on money concept for business finance, investment and

Breaking Down the CARES Act

On Friday, March 27th, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This historic relief package allocates some two trillion dollars in aid to combat the economic impact of the ongoing coronavirus crisis. It’s no secret that the pandemic is having a huge effect on economic systems—from baseline workers…

Video conference

Videoconferencing With Zoom

Staying connected with clients while social distancing rules are in place doesn’t have to be as challenging as it might seem. There are several digital conferencing platforms available that allow for real-time videoconferencing. One of those services – Zoom – has become by far the most widely used over the last month. Employed by everyone…

A portrait of mature businessman with computer in an office, working.

VIDEO: Submitting Business Digitally

Social distancing and “Safer at Home” orders have changed the way we do business. At the same time, the current situation has made the role advisors and agents play in their clients’ lives more crucial than ever. Market volatility has many concerned over their long-term financial wellbeing and retirement accounts. The cause of that volatility,…

Concentrated, bearded man in glasses works with a laptop at home

VIDEO: Conducting Business Virtually

We are in extraordinary times. With extreme (but necessary) preventative measures in place due to the coronavirus outbreak, doing business and marketing can be challenging for financial professionals. People will still need financial solutions as we all collectively weather the storm. Given what has happened to the markets over the last three weeks, more and…

Multitasking man working at home office

Doing Business During the Coronavirus Outbreak

With the novel coronavirus now reaching pandemic levels, financial professionals may be wondering how to conduct their business and marketing. Because so much of a financial advisor’s strength in selling relies on trust conveyed through in-person meetings, the preventative steps suggested to combat coronavirus spread (that is, avoiding large groups of people) can, at first…
